Aikido Terminology
ANZA: Cross-leg sitting position. | ATEMI: Hit or punch | CHINKON: Meditation |
FUMIKOMI: Cross step | FUMIKOMI KOTAI: Cross step back to change stance. | FUMIKOMI HYAKUHACHIJUDO KAITEN: Cross step 180 degree pivot. |
FUMIKOMI TAIHENKO: Cross step in body change. | GYAKUHAMI: Shite and uke in opposite "mirror image" stance. | HAJIME: Begin |
HANMI HANDACHI: One person sitting (shite) and one person standing (uke). | HIDARI: Left | HIJIATE KOKYU NAGE: Hitting elbow breath throw. |
HIJISHIME: Elbow lock | HIRIKI NO YOSEI: Elbow power | HITOEMI: Side facing stance in which shoulders and feet are on one line. |
HIYAKU UKEMI: Jumping breakfalls. | HOJODOSA: Supplementary movement. | HYUKUHACHI JUDO KAITEN: 180 degree pivot |
IKKAJO: First control or throw | IRIMINAGE: Step-in throw | IRIMIZUKI: Step-in thrust |
JUJINAGE: Arm cross throw | KAITEN NAGE: Rotary throw | KAKARI GEIKO: "Round robin" style training. |
KAMAE: Basic stance. | KIHONWAZA: Basic technique. | KOHO KAITEN UKEMI: Backward roll |
KOHO UKEMI: Back breakfall (#l without hitting, #2 with hitting) | KOKYU HO: Breath method | KOKYUNAGE: Breath throw |
KOTAI: Change | KOTEGAESHI: Reverse hand throw | KYUJOGODO KAITEN: 95 degree pivot. |
MIGI: Right | NAGE: Throw | NIKAJO: Second control or throw. |
ONAJIKU: Repeat the same technique on the other side. | OSAE: Pin or control | OTAGAI NI RE[: Bow to each other (as a group) |
OYO WAZA: Advanced technique. | REI: Bow | RENZOKU: Continuation |
SANKAJO: Third control or throw. | SEIRETSU: Line up. | SEIZA: Kneeling position. |
SENSEI NI REI: Bow to teacher | SHIHONAGE: All direction throw. | SHITE, UKE KOTAI: Shite and uke change |
SHOMEN NI REI: Bow to the front. | SHUMATSU DOSA: After class exercise. | SODEMOCHI HIYAKU: Sleeve-grasp jump. |
SOKUMEN IRIMINAGE: Side step in throw. | SOTAI DOSA: Movement with partner | SURIASHI: Sliding foot. |
SUWARIWAZA: Kneeling techniques | TAIHENKO: Body change | TEGATANA ATE: Knife-hand chop. |
TENCHINAGE: Heaven and earth throw. | TENKAI: Pivot. | TENKAN: Body change |
TOBIKOSHI: Jump and go over. | TSUGIASHI: A movement in which the front foot slides (suriashi) and the rear foot follows. | UDEGARAMI NAGE: Arm lock throw. |
USHIROWAZA: Behind technique. | USHIRO NAGE: Back throw | YAME: Stop |
YONKAJO: Fourth control | ZANSHIN: "Remaining attentive" - zanshin is practiced at the end of a technique, focus concentration, and the relationship between shite and uke are maintained. | ZENPO UKEMI: Forward rolling breakfalls |
Uke's Movement
AYAMOCHI: Cross-wrist grasp | ERIMOCHI: Collar grasp | GANMENZUKI: Face thrust |
HIJIMOCHI: Elbow grasp | KATAMOCHI: Shoulder grasp | KATATEMOCHI: One-wrist grasp |
MUNEMOCHI: Chest grasp | RYOHIJIMOCHI: Both elbows grasp | RYOKATAMOCHI: Both shoulder grasp |
RYOTEMOCHI: Both wrists grasp | SHOMENUCHI: Front strike | SUIGETSUZUKI: Body thrust |
YOKOMENUCHI: Side strike |
AIKIDO: Literally, "the Way of Harmony" with the forces of energy of Nature and the Universe. | ARIGATO GOZIAMASHITA: Thank you very much! | BOKKEN: Wooden replica of samurai sword. |
BUDO: A code of manner and behavior for the samurai's life including the arts of combat with ethical and philosophical implications. | BUKIWAZA: Weapons techniques. | DOGI: Clothing or uniform worn when studying an art or Way. (Note: dogi should not be shortened to the slang form "gi". An important meaning is lost.) |
JO: Staff | MA-Al: Basic distance, with the implication of proper or appropriate distance such that a technique can be done well and with balance. | OSU: A strong, positive budo salutation or greeting indicating mutual respect. |
SENSEI: Teacher. | SHITE: The person who executes an Aikido technique. | TANTO: Wooden knife. |
AIHANMI: Shite and uke in same stance (e.g. both in right stances) | DOSA: Movement |
Click on the word Numbers to hear counting. | ||||
1: ichi - Ippon | 2: ni - Nihon | 3: san - Sanbon | 4: shi - Yonhon | 5: go - Gohon |
6: roku - Roppon | 7: shichi - Nanahon | 8: hachi - Happon | 9: kyu - Kyuhon | 10: ju - Juppon |
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